
“Hello World..!” program in Java


Java Program to print all palindrome strings in the given input.


String vs StringBuilder vs StringBuffer


Accepting user inputs from console in Java


2’s complement – Binary representation of Negative numbers in Java


Java Program to find whether a number is even or odd without using modulus/division operator.


Java Program to count the number of vowels in a given text.


Java Program to print the counts of chars and digits in the given text.


Java Program to print the Fibonacci series


Java Program to sort objects using Comparable Interface


Program to sort objects using Comparator Interface in Java 8


List and ArrayList demo using forEach and Comparator in Java 8


Custom Implementation of ArrayList class in Java


How to remove duplicate User Defined Objects from a List collection object


Java Program to Handle Exceptions while reading User Input from Console


Core Java program to remove duplicates from an array of Strings


Core Java program to reverse an array of elements


Core Java program to sort the elements of an array.


Core Java program to find the longest sub-string in a String without repeated chars.


Core Java program to create multiple threads


Java program to demonstrate Inter-Thread Communication


Default methods in Interfaces in Java 8


Custom Implementation of Singly LinkedList class in Java